If a participant already has an eDofE account, a level can be added rather than creating a new account.
1) Click on 'Manage participants' and 'Add next level'
2) Choose a group and click 'Search' to bring up a list of participants.
3) Select the enrolment date and then tick the box to the right of the participant under the level you wish to add. Click 'Add level'
4) A pop-up box will appear which will allow you to choose a new group to move the participant into (the group needs to be created beforehand- How do I create a group?). Click 'Next':
5) You will then need to select which level you are adding (the number showing is the amount of participation places you have at that level- if it is 0 you will need to purchase more participant places How do I purchase participation places?) and click 'Add level':
Certain conditions need to be in place before a level can be added:
- The relevant Participation Place is available. Please talk to your Licensed Organisation otherwise.
- The participant has met the age criteria for this level (See ‘DofE information’ age requirements).
- The participant must have at least one section of their previous award level approved (this will be the only section open in the higher level). As other sections get signed off they open at the next level, except for the last section which requires the full Award to be approved.
- If the participant has two incomplete award levels, one must be completed before adding the third level i.e. for bronze and silver, bronze must be completed before adding gold
- The participant is in a group that you are allocated to. Please talk to your DofE Co-ordinator otherwise.
- The participant’s account is not archived – please unarchive the account to enable you to continue to add the level.
- The participant's status is 'active' (the participant will need to log in if they are currently 'inactive')
Adding another level before the previous level has been completed:
- If the next level has been added to a participant before they have completed the previous level they will be entered as a 'Direct' entrant meaning they will have longer timescales due to not completing the previous level.
- If the the participant then decides to complete the previous level after the next level has been added then the leader will need to change the participant from a direct entrant to an non-direct entrant manually once the previous level has been completed. Please see How do I change a participant from direct entrant to non direct entrant? to see how to do this.
- The participants will not automatically change from direct to non-direct once the previous level has been completed, this has to be done manually by the leader.
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at edofe@dofe.org