Frequently Asked Questions:
1. One of the checkpoints that I have created on my route isn’t shown on my route card – why is this?
It is important that you give your waypoint in OS Explore has both a Title and a waypoint description. If these fields aren’t populated the checkpoint will not be picked up by the route card.
2. I have clicked ‘Open OS Explore’ on eDofE but nothing has happened – why is this?
It is likely that your pop–up blocker is stopping OS Explore from launching. Please check to see if this is turned on.
3. What maps are available? How do I view OS 1:25,000 scale and 1:50,000 scale maps?
You can view the following maps:
- Standard: a zoomable map that shows everything from country overview to detailed road maps
- Premium Topo map: the most detailed topographic map, showing footpaths, rights of way, field boundaries, open access land and the vegetation on the land. You can set the map to auto zoom, lock 1:25k or lock 1:50k
- Aerial: Zoomable aerial photography
The maps cover Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) only.
4. How do I find Grid Reference for a location?
On the map, select a waypoint. The grid reference will be shown in a pop-up box.
You can also view it from the left-hand menu > All waypoints. The point you select will be highlighted on your map.
5. How do I change the colour or transparency of my route on the map?
While creating a route click the 'Style' button on the toolbar to change the route colour, line thickness and transparency. Choose the settings suitable for your route and map layer type here before printing or saving.
6. Can I move or delete an individual waypoint?
Yes - during route creation or editing, move a waypoint by single clicking/touching and then dragging it to a new position. Let go to drop it in the new position. To remove a waypoint altogether, select the 'Remove' button from the toolbar and click the waypoint to delete. Remember to switch back to 'Plot' once you are done.
7. Why won't my GPX file import, with an 'import failed' message?
GPX files come in a wide range of versions. We've added the ability to handle the most common types, but it may not be able to understand some formats.
At the moment, we have set a maximum size of 2MB or 3000 waypoints. If your GPX file is larger than this, reduce the size by splitting the route into two or more files, or by reducing the number of waypoints. Most GPS software packages have the ability to do this. Routes over 3000 waypoints make eDofE Mapping respond very slowly or crash altogether.
8. Why does printing in landscape mode come out wrong?
There are many variations in how printers work, and for some, after choosing to print in landscape in OS Explore, your may have to leave the print settings in the print dialogue in portrait mode, still selecting A4 or A3. Test your particular setup by using print preview or printing in black and white before printing in full colour. Most of the print problems are caused by the print driver settings not matching the options set in OS Explore. Use the 'Print using system dialogue' (or similar) option to access your printer settings to check and adjust them.
9. Why when I choose to print on A3 paper why do I only get an A4 size map?
Ensure that your local print options are set to A3, and then use your computers print driver settings to adjust the print options, including selecting the correct tray with the A3 paper loaded. Every printer works slightly differently, and you may have to experiment to find a setup that works for you. Depending on your computer and browser settings you may need to use the 'Print using system dialogue' option to be able to adjust the print driver settings on each print.
If you do not have a printer that takes A3 paper, you can manually move the area to be printed around to create multiple prints. The print area overview will help you create multiple prints that can be aligned and stuck together.
10. Why am I getting a blank page on print?
The most common reason is using the browsers print button instead of the OS Explore print function. Only use the OS Explore print button to start printing your map. For Mac users, using the 'Preview' button before printing often resolves this issue.
If you are still having printing issues please contact us at
11. Can I show multiple routes on the same map?
No – you can only view one route on the map at any given point.
12. Can I see the different wild country area boundaries?
No – it is not currently possible to see the DofE wild country areas on the maps. If you would like more information about the DofE’s expedition areas please visit the DofE’s website.
13. If I’m logged out of eDofE will changes to my map be saved?
Your map will not autosave - please save it as you go along.
If you click the 'Save' button, your changes will be saved even if you are automatically logged out of eDofE.
14. How accurate is my ‘scale’ printed map from eDofE mapping?
This will be dependent on the printer and paper that you are using; it won’t however be able to match the accuracy of OS paper maps. You shouldn’t rely on a printed map and should always take an OS paper map with you.
15. I have noticed that my printed map differs slightly to the maps shown on eDofE Mapping – which is most up to date?
OS update their 1:25,000 and 1:50:000 scale online maps on a quarterly basis however the paper maps are updated on a more ad-hoc basis. You can find out more about updates to paper maps here.
16. Can I save my map and/or route card as a .JPEG image?
No – unfortunately not. If you would like an electronic copy of the map and/or route card you can either save the route as a .GPX file or save it as a .PDF file. If you are using Google Chrome when printing you have an option to create a PDF instead of sending the document to your printer. If you aren’t using Google Chrome however you will need to download a PDF writer (a quick online search should find one) and this will work like a normal printer would. When you print your map you will be able to select your PDF writer (instead of your normal printer) - this will save your map and/or route card as a PDF file rather than print it. For more information please the link below:
How do I print my eDofE map in PDF format?
How do I print my route card in PDF format?
17. Where is the map I created on OS? I can't see it on eDofE mapping page
If you have created a map on OS explore and you do not see it on your Maps list in eDofE, please ensure you are clicking on 'Get New Maps'. This button should pull all of your created and saved maps from OS onto eDofE
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at