Common questions
1. Trying to register however getting email already registered message on the registration page, Premium Topo locked, cannot create/import .gpx files, asking me to pay
OS map is free if registered via eDofE. To double-check that they have registered properly, you would need to select the Person icon next to search bar and re-login again. It should then show the correct OS map eDofE account.
If they are still getting the email registered message or cannot access Premium topo, you'll need to email and we will ask OS team to delete the account so you can start again.
2. I can see my old maps, but I cannot open the OS map
You would need to export the GPX file and import in OS map. Once imported, please save the map.
If you open eDofE and select 'Get New Maps', the new maps will be shown as green icons, and they can open maps and route card.
How do I view my old maps in OS Explore? – DofE (
How do I import/export a GPX file? – DofE (
3. How do I share my maps with participants/leaders?
You can select the maps you want to share and select Send button in eDofE. Participants can share it with their peers in their groups and leaders. Leaders can also share the maps with participants and other adults now. Previously, leaders couldn’t share maps with participants.
The recipient will receive a message on eDofE where they have to select here on “here to view” message.
Please see step by step video here
How do I send my route card/map to members of my group/DofE Leader? – DofE (
If you have received a route card as a message, please ensure you are logged into OS maps before you try to open the map from your messages.
4. I cannot edit participants maps
To edit participants maps you will need to export/import the GPX file and edit it on your account.
5. I updated my route card on OS Map, but I keep seeing the old information.
Once the route card has been updated on OS map, you would need to select the refresh button.
This will show all the new information that you have updated.
6. I already have an OS Explore account – do I still have to make a new one?
We would encourage a separate account for this solution, our licence is for web only. If you re-use a commercial license, you may lose access to the mobile version You will need to access O/S mapping pages in eDofE. Our routes and data are kept away for the public version of O/S maps using the links from eDofE. Only routes created in this version can be shared back to eDofE.
7. How do I view OS maps in the OS mapping app - it shows as only being available to Premium users? Without this feature it is useless.
Unfortunately, our subscription only supports OS map on a website.
8. What does the 'M' symbol turning green on an Expedition section mean?
Once a participant has created one or more routes during the course of their current Award level, the 'M' symbol will turn green to indicate the participant's usage of the mapping tool to the Leader.
9. How can I view a map that a participant has created for their Expedition section?
To view a map that a participant has created for their Expedition section, you can open up their Expedition programme planner on their account and see an option to view created maps, as shown below:
This option is also available when accessing their Expedition programme planner through Participant Overview: