The organisational structure of the DofE
DofE participant The participant may be doing their DofE at Bronze, Silver or Gold level
DofE group A group of participants working on their DofE with one leader. They may be grouped by age, peer group or level.
DofE leader The adult responsible for the DofE group, agreeing programme choices and signing off evidence and sections in eDofE. |
DofE centre The location where DofE is run, for example a school or youth centre. There may be one or more groups at the centre, depending on the size and number of participants.
DofE Co-ordinator This person sets up and manages the DofE centre. |
Approved Activity Provider The AAP will be licensed to run the Expedition Section, or to provide opportunities for the Volunteering or Residential sections. The AAP will be contracted by the DofE Centre to run the Expedition Section. For Volunteering and Residential opportunities the AAP will usually be approached directly by the participant.
DofE Head Office, AAP team The team are responsible for issuing licences to AAPs, monitoring and renewing licences |
Licensed Organisation (LO) or Directly Licensed Centre (DLC) The LO or DLC holds the Licence to manage the delivery of DofE programmes and verify Awards.
DofE Manager The person in the LO or DLC who is responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the DofE. |
The DofE Charity Head Office and Regional / Country Offices deal with overall policy and central administration. A Board of Trustees governs the DofE Charity and determines the criteria and maintains the integrity and quality of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Trustees and staff A LO or DLC will mainly have contact with the DofE Regional / Country office. AAPs will have contact with staff at Head Office. |
Please note, these roles are not mutually exclusive. For example:
-In a small centre, there may only be one group and therefore, as a Leader, you may also assume the Co-ordinator role.
-A school that holds its own licence will be both the LO and the DofE centre. In this case, the DofE Manager and Co-ordinator are likely to be the same person, with other DofE Leaders involved with groups.
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at