What will I be able to do on eDofE?
You can use eDofE to:
- become accredited and reaccredited more quickly and simply, subject to completing the DofE’s Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Pathway
- update your own contact details
- see which Licensed Organisations (LOs) or Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) you are affiliated with
- choose to end your affiliation with an organisation
- receive an automatic reminder six months before your accreditation is due to expire
- access eDofE Mapping, the DofE’s online mapping tool
- accredit/reaccredit yourself on eDofE
How does accreditation work?
Approval of Assessor accreditation is all done online through eDofE.
All adult eDofE users will have a ‘My Expedition Assessor accreditation’ section on their profile. On this page, trainee Assessors will be able to see the steps they need to work through to complete their accreditation.
Once you have completed those steps, you will be able to request accreditation and accredit yourself for the next 5 years.
How do I become reaccredited?
The reaccreditation process also happens through eDofE.
Six months before your accreditation is due to expire, you will receive an email telling you that your expiration date is approaching and explaining how you can become reaccredited.
Assessors will be required to confirm that they have supervised/assessed over the last two years and you will then be able to reaccredit yourself for the next 5 years.
You will receive an email informing you that you have been reaccredited and explaining the status of their current affiliations with LOs and AAPs. In order to continue assessing after their original expiry date, you must be reapproved by your existing affiliations or registered with a new affiliation.
How can I become affiliated with an LO or AAP?
LOs and AAPs will be able to create affiliations with individual Assessors by using eDofE to ‘register’ them to their organisation.
Assessors will have the option to end an affiliation with an LO or AAP by selecting ‘End registration’ on eDofE.
What is eDofE Mapping?
eDofE Mapping is the DofE’s online mapping tool, developed with Ordnance Survey and accessed through eDofE. It allows users to plot, print and export expedition routes.
You can find out more by reading the eDofE Mapping user guide.
I can’t see all the training I’ve completed on my Assessor Accreditation page. Why not?
This may be because you have multiple eDofE accounts. Find out how to link these here.
Where can I find more information?
You can find lots of step-by-step guidance on the new process on the eDofE Help Centre.
You can also click the purple ‘Support’ bubble in eDofE to send a query, email accreditation@dofe.org or call the Technical Helpline on 01753 727 426.