If you are using the App, please see instructions here
When you log into your eDofE account for the first time, you will have to complete your basic information. All boxes with a red asterisk must be filled in as they contain mandatory information.
Step 1 - Contact details
If you put your house number/house name or postcode in the top box, the address fields will be automatically populated. You can also fill them in manually.
Once this information is complete, you will be able to click on the 'Continue' button at the bottom of the page.
Step 2 - Account details
- Set a new password for your account
- It must be at least 6 characters and include one uppercase, one lowercase and one number
Step 3 - Personal details
- Select/enter the mandatory personal details information
- If you are completing the gold award in Northern Ireland, you will have the option to select which certificate type you want.
Step 4 - Communication preferences
- Select whether you would like to receive DofE offers, events and Expedition Kit emails
Step 5 - Activate your account
- Read and confirm you accept the terms of use and privacy statement before activating your account
- Once you’re ready, click the circle and select ‘Activate Account’
If your account has been successfully set up, you should see the following screen:
Once you've completed your basic info and pressed 'Continue', you'll need to set your timescales before you can start adding your activity details.
When your timescales have been set, you can start adding programme planners
You will be asked to check/update your basic information yearly – it will still take you to the same account.
Should you have any issues please don't hesitate to email us at eDofE@DofE.org