Last edited: July 2023
This is my first time logging into the App, what do I need to do?
If you have never logged into eDofE before, then the first time you log into the App you will need to set up your DofE profile, choose your activities and set your deadlines and goals.
To create your profile, you will need to go through basic information and enter the mandatory details in the following steps:
Step 1. Contact details
Enter your house number and postcode and click ‘Find Address’.
- Your address will be automatically populated – you can edit these fields if need be
Step 2: Account details
Set a new password for your account. We suggest picking a stronger password since the default one we provided is not very secure.
- It must be 6 characters and include one uppercase and one number.
Step 3: Personal details
Select/enter the mandatory personal details information
- If you are completing the gold award in Northern Ireland, you will have the option to select which certificate type you want.
Step 4: Communication preferences
Select whether you would like to receive DofE offers, events and Expedition Kit emails.
Step 5: Activate your account
Read and confirm you accept the terms of use and privacy statement before activating your account.
Once you’re ready, click the preferences circle and select ‘Activate Account’.
If your account has been successfully set up, you should see the following screen:
Once you've completed your basic info and pressed 'Continue', you'll need to set your timescales before you can start adding your activity details.
When your timescales have been set, you can start adding programme planners.
You will be asked to check/update your basic information yearly – it will still take you to the same account.