Last edited: July 2023
How do I add evidence using the app?
- Select the section you want to add evidence to
- Scroll down to the bottom
- Tap ‘Manage Evidence’ – you can view any evidence that you’ve previously uploaded.
- You now have the option to add text, photos or file evidence.
Adding text evidence:
- Select ‘Add Text Evidence’.
- Fill in the mandatory fields.
- Select your leader from the drop-down menu.
- Tap ‘Save and Submit’.
- Text evidence can include dates, details of activities and thoughts about what you’ve achieved.
- The number of characters cannot be more than 1000.
Adding a photo/file evidence:
- Select ‘Add photo or file evidence’
- Tap ‘Upload’, and you’ll have the option to attach a document, take a photo using the camera or choose a photo from the gallery.
- Once you’ve selected the evidence, you can rename it by clicking the pencil icon.
- Then select your leader from the drop-down menu.
- Tap ‘Save and submit’.
- When you’ve added your evidence, you’ll have the option to rename or delete it, select it as an Assessor’s Report and unsubmit/submit it.
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at