If you are using the App, please see instructions here
To add evidence, you’ll need to select your section, scroll down and click ‘Manage Evidence’ – you can view any evidence that you’ve previously uploaded. You have the option to add text, photo or file evidence.
Adding text evidence:
Select ‘Add Text Evidence’ and fill in the mandatory fields - text evidence can include dates, details of activities and thoughts about what you’ve achieved. The number of characters cannot be more than 1000. You’ll then need to select your leader from the drop-down menu and click ‘Save and Submit’:
If the evidence is successfully added, a confirmation message will appear at the top right of the page:
Adding a photo/file evidence:
Select ‘Add photo or file evidence’ – click ‘Upload’ and you’ll have the option to attach a document or choose a photo from your files:
If you choose a file, you can rename it by clicking the pencil icon. You’ll then need to select your leader from the drop-down menu and click ‘Save and submit’:
If you choose a photo, once you’ve uploaded it, you will have the option to size and crop it:
Once you’re happy, click ‘Crop’ and your photo evidence will be added
Once you’ve selected the evidence you can rename it by clicking the pencil icon. You’ll then need to select your leader from the drop-down menu and click ‘Save and submit’
When you’ve added your evidence, you’ll have the option to rename, delete or download it, select it as an Assessor’s Report and unsubmit/submit it:
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at eDofE@DofE.org