Edit a group:
1) Click 'Manage infrastructure' on the left hand menu:
2) Click on the centre which has the group in you would like to delete. This will show you a list of all the groups within the centre.
3) To edit a group, you need to click on the grey pencil to the right of the group that you wish to edit:
4) To edit the name of a group, enter the new name and then click 'Save'
5) You can remove a Leader by clicking the box under 'Remove' and then clicking 'Save'. However, you cannot delete a Primary Leader, so you'll need to change the Primary Leader first.
6) You can add a Leader to the group by selecting their name from the drop down list and then clicking 'Add'
Delete a group:
1) In order to delete a group it must not contain participants or participation places- you will have to move or archive any remaining participants and recall any participation places before deleting. You can then delete the group by clicking 'Delete'
If you are unable to delete a group, by hovering over the delete button it will give the reason as to why the group cannot be deleted.
2) You can see the members within the group by clicking on the 'Members' tab at the top of the page
3) You can see the history of any changes, such as new leaders added or name changes to the group, by clicking on the 'History' tab at the top of the page
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at edofe@dofe.org