Linking Accounts Within eDofE
Linking accounts (known as Single Sign On – SSO) helps users to have just a single username and password for eDofE. Accounts at every level can now link another account to their existing account, including linking from a Helper account.
The accounts should be linked to retain the lowest of the ID numbers currently available, as this will generally be the ID number that is in use on the learning platform.
Every user with an ACTIVE eDofE role account has an account within the learning platform, even if they haven’t accessed it yet. When an eDofE account is ARCHIVED, or DELETED by it being linked to another account, then the learning platform account attached to that eDofE ID number is deactivated overnight. This means that any user who has a second eDofE account created need to take care in the way in which they link their accounts.
For Example:
A leader is now going to be the manager within an LO.
They have a current leaders account number 123456
They are created a new administrators account number 333444
Their learning account will be attached to account number 123456 so this is the number that should be retained.
The user should log into the Leader account (123456)
Navigate to ‘My Settings’
Scroll down to ‘Link another Account’
Input the Username and password of the new account (333444)
Click to link accounts.
The Leader and Administrator account is now combined under a single sign on, and users can choose which account to access under my accounts, but both accounts will have the same number. Any training on the account will be retained and the learning platform account will be retained. If the Leader account is no longer required, it can now safely be archived.
An active account cannot be linked to an archived account, so it is important that any archiving of accounts takes place after the accounts have been linked.
If a message is received during linking saying that there is assessor accreditation on both accounts, and asking which should be retained, then stop the linking process and confirm which set of assessor accreditation needs to be retained by viewing the information on both accounts. Then redo the linking process and select the correct account number when prompted for which information should be retained.
If there is any confusion as to which account is live on the Learning Platform, or which assessor accreditation information should be retained, then please contact the Training team, who will be able to confirm the account number/accreditation that needs to be retained.
To begin linking your accounts, please see How do I link accounts (single sign on)? – DofE (