Adults with a leader account and above and the permission(s) "Can create a new Bronze participant"/"Can create a new Silver participant"/"Can create a new Gold participant" are able to create new participants.
To do this you will need to go to 'Manage Participants' > 'Create participant' in the left hand menu. If you cannot see this menu option, please speak to your Co-ordinator/ Administrator/ DofE Manager.
In the 'Where' section, you first need to select the location in which the young person will be doing their DofE.
In the 'Level' section you will need to choose the participation place location that you would like to take the participation place from. You can also choose the level that the participant will be enrolled at as well as whether they are a direct entrant or not.
NOTE: If a participant has done a previous level, you should add the next level onto the existing account.
To complete the 'Who' section you will need to enter the participants name and date of birth.
NOTE: Please make sure this is correct as this will make up the initial login information for the participant.
You can set an 'Enrolment date' up to 8 weeks into the past or the future from today's date. Once the account is set up, you are able to change this to a date outside of these parameters (assuming it still works with the DofE's age rules).
The participant's Username will be automatically generated when you enter the participant's name, however, you can change this if you would like. It is also optional to enter the participant's email address in the 'Personal details' section. If you decide to enter an email address, the participant will receive an email with their login details to eDofE, if this is not entered you will be responsible for passing on the login credentials.
The 'History' section displays a list of participants that have been created in the last 7 days.
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at