Leaders and above account holders who are responsible for a DofE group are able to receive alerts from participants. However as with eDofE there are different rules as to why leaders and above are able to or not able to see alerts.
Manage alerts section will be specific to the user depending on who the participants have chosen to submit their programme planner and evidence to.
Award approvals does not show on Manage alerts and can be found through Directly approve - 'Directly Approve' screen – DofE (edofe.org)
In a group, if there are more than one leader assigned, participants have the option to choose which leader they would like to submit their programme planner and evidence. This will then mean that only the chosen leader receives the alert.
What happens with alerts if there is only one leader in the group?
If there is only one leader in a group they will be under as primary leader and participants will only be able to select them to submit evidence to.
What happens with alerts if the primary leader is removed?
All DofE groups must have a primary leader. If a primary leader is removed another leader must be appointed as the primary in which all alerts from the previous primary leader will move to the new leader.
Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at edofe@dofe.org