Within 14 days of account creation and 'New' status:
You can delete an account within 14 days of setting it up if the participant has not logged in (status is 'New') and this will allow the participation place to be replenished.
1. Go to the participant's profile page and select the 'Delete user' button from the right-hand side:
2. Provide a reason and tick the 'Yes' box under 'Replenish Participation Place?
3. Select 'Yes' or 'No' as relevant
4. If 'Yes ' is selected, the participation place will be assigned back to where it was allocated from i.e Group, Centre or Licensed Organisation level.
5. Once the participant has been successfully deleted you will see a green banner confirming the change.
After 14 days of account creation OR 'Active' status:
If the 14 days have passed or the participant has logged in to their account ('Active' status), you can delete the account but you cannot replenish the place.
You will need to speak to your Regional Office if you feel there is a valid reason for replenishing it, and they will raise a Data Change Request Form to be forwarded to IT Service desk to undertake the process instead.
Please see How do I abandon a level? (zendesk.com) for more information.
Should you have any issues please don't hesitate to email us at eDofE@DofE.org