This change will go live w/c January 9th 2023.
You can now search for a participant in a specific location – you can combine the filters and search using the location and user details search. You can search using their:
- eDofE ID number or
- First name or
- Surname or
- Email address
- To find a participant, go to participant overview and select the location you will be searching in - this can be the LO/centre/group, depending on your account type and permissions:
- In the 'User Details' search, enter the participants ID number/first name/surname/email address and click search:
- The participant/s that matches those details will be returned in the results, e.g. doing a search under 'Training > FaisalaLO > Test > (All)' for a participant called 'John Smith' will return the participant in the Test centre:
You can carry out the same search using any of the user details filters but you must select a location to search in.
You can contact us at with any further issues.