There are two ways in which adults can view the programme planners/evidence that needs to be approved:
- Via manage alerts
- Via participant overview
Manage alerts
Once a participant has entered their activity choices/evidence onto eDofE, their selected Leader will need to approve them. An alert will appear in the Leader's 'Communications' box on their homepage:
How do I approve a participant's programme planner?
Only the Leader that the participant has selected will receive this alert.
Via Participant Overview
All adults in the participants hierarchy can now run a search to find any programme planners/evidence that are awaiting approval, and approve these regardless of whether the participant has selected them as their leader or not. To use this search:
- Go to Participant Overview and select the Location details:
- Scroll down and tick the 'Programme planner or evidence alert' box and then search:
- Only those participants who have outstanding programme planners/evidence will be returned and you can approve it:
You can click the 'Keys' icon to see what each icon means:
Once you've approved their programme planners/evidence, the section status will change to the 'Plan approved and underway' icon.
You can contact us on 01753 727426 or at with any further issues.